Música do Dia #13


Roslyn- Bon Iver

Up with your turret
Aren't we just terrified?

Shale, screen your worry from what you won't ever find

Don't let it fool you
Don't let it fool you...down
Down's sitting round, folds in the gown
Sea and the rock below
Cocked to the undertow

Bones blood and teeth erode, with every crashing node
Wings wouldn't help you
Wings wouldn't help you...down

Down fills the ground, gravity's proud
You barely are blinking
Wagging your face around
When'd this just become a mortal home?

Won't, won't, won't, won't
Won't let you talk me
Won't let you talk me…down

Will pull it taut, nothing let out

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Todos os textos assinados com "Daiane C Silveira", são escritos por mim, assim sendo, não podem ser copiados a menos que se identifique o autor.
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-Daiane C Silveira